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Eliminate Your Worry and Procrastination About Emailing Your List and Turn

it Into a Joyous, Effortless Experience!

The key to making money with email marketing is

sending consistently to your list.

…said every marketing guru on the planet!

We know logically that this is true:

the fortune is in the follow up. 

But run in ANY entrepreneurial circle and you’ll

see that most small business

owners struggle with this:

“I feel so tired and exhausted just thinking about sending emails.”

“I don’t understand why it takes me hours to write one email. I’m constantly overthinking it.”

“My audience doesn’t appreciate my emails, and I’m worried they’ll unsubscribe.”

“I’m afraid I’ll sound too ’salesy’ if I email often.”

“I don’t know what to do to engage my list, and I feel tired just thinking about it.”

“I want to get rid of emails altogether!”

“I’m stressed trying to figure out how to be fun, creative, and appealing.”

Don’t feel bad that you feel bad. Seriously. It’s normal.

And at the risk of sounding horribly cliché, the cure for all this stress is really very simple.

All your negative emotions and feelings about email marketing

stem from two things: beliefs and expectations.

Offensive unpopular opinion incoming…

Many of these beliefs and expectations are completely bananas, unrealistic, wrong, and made up in fantasyland.

What if we could change our expectations and beliefs about what our emails should be doing? Those negative feelings would disappear…and in its place…

Confidence, creativity and consistency.

That leads to consistent email follow-up, connections and more money.

Over the years, I’ve written many creative emails to help people connect with their audience so they look forward to opening and reading each message.

The benefits of my work is far-reaching for entrepreneurs. 

  • Less overwhelm when working on writing and sending weekly emails

  • More understanding of what their audience would love to see and hear

  • Easy ways to get into ‘creative mode’ to eliminate writer’s block

  • See email marketing as a part of business that can become a joy

  • Simple, customizable templates that can be ready to send in minutes

And since 2021, I’ve been running Mind Your Heart Marketing and know that my users could benefit from fun, inspirational and creative email templates, images and training. The problem is…most email templates are cookie-cutter, boring and inauthentic.

That’s when I had the idea for a no-fuss subscription where I'd drop four of my adorable, artsy email templates a month (with a short training) and help you turn all that negative worry and procrastination into inspiration you can use each and every week to connect with your subscribers.

So, I did.

That’s why I’m SO over the top excited to bring you….

The Monthly Subscription That Makes Email Marketing Fun, Creative, and Effortless So You Can Authentically and Consistently Connect With Your Audience

What's Included in Your Monthly Subscription

  • Four customizable email templates designed for weekly sending

  • A collection of hand-drawn images to elevate your campaigns

  • One short video tutorial for inspiration and simple, guided steps

  • Bonus: A soothing meditation audio to spark creative intuition

Nothing extra* to distract you from the very important task of CEO-ing your business.

*Except for This Cool Side Benefit: As a member, you can submit a request for a particular holiday or seasonal  message, image, or design.

Maybe we’ll work it into our artistic queue!

Types of Problems These Templates Will Solve:

Overcome writer's block when composing engaging emails

Stop struggling to consistently email your list on a weekly basis

Discover easy ways to make writing emails fun and less intimidating

Create emails that stand out and beg to be opened by your subscribers

Learn to use holiday or seasonal themes to evoke emotions and nostalgia, enabling you to connect with your audience at a deeper level

How to use fun, eye-catching templates to increase open rates

Confidently engage with your subscribers

Never again feel overly promotional or 'salesy' when sending emails

Easily customize to connect authentically with your audience

Wow your subscribers with artistic style, even if you're not creative

Schedule all of your emails for the month in an hour instead of it taking all day

Learn to nurture your creativity and intuition to enhance your writing

Stop dreading and begin to enjoy the process of email marketing

Use the meditation to reduce stress and promote a calm and focused mindset

Become inspired with fresh ideas, start to think outside the box and come up with more innovative marketing strategies

Experience a positive mindset shift to foster a sense of optimism and motivation when writing

Use the meditation along with your business-building activities as a form of self-care

Finally stop ghosting your audience and stay top of mind with consistent connection

Maintain a cohesive brand image and messaging month after month

Artsy Email Express is Perfect For Anyone Who:

  • Needs quick and easy ways to write and send email marketing campaigns

  • Wants to appear artsy and creative even though they think they are not

  • Any bootstrapping entrepreneur  who could use some simple shortcuts

  • Wishes they could afford to hire a designer and copywriter to do it all

  • Needs help with feeling confident with their email outreach

  • Struggles with focus and/or  anything that requires consistency

No Contracts

Pay Month to Month


4 Professionally Written & Fully Customizable Email Templates for Easy Weekly Audience Connection

1 Set of 8-10 Themed, Hand Drawn Artsy Images for Simply Unforgettable Emails

1 Short Video Tutorial for Motivation and Email-Creation Guidance

1 Bonus Meditation for Stress Reduction

and Intuitive Inspiration

Delivered to your inbox each month!

No Contracts

Save Big When You Pay For the Year!


4 Professionally Written & Fully Customizable Email Templates for Easy Weekly Audience Connection

1 Set of 8-10 Themed, Hand Drawn Artsy Images for Simply Unforgettable Emails

1 Short Video Tutorial for Motivation and Email-Creation Guidance

1 Bonus Meditation for Stress Reduction

and Intuitive Inspiration

Delivered to your inbox each month!

About Your Artsy Email Wizard: Donna

Donna Loeffler

Hi! I'm Donna and I'm an online marketing mentor who understands the challenges of creating and scaling an online business. I've been operating my own coaching and consulting business online since 2016. I love to take creative entrepreneurs under my wing and nurture them until they can fly. Because of that, I've earned the title “The Motherly Marketing Mentor."

I'm passionate about two main goals: helping entrepreneurs shorten the digital, online learning curve, and helping them grow their business without breaking the bank.

What I truly love the most is teaching. I have a gifted ability to break down and explain complex ideas into very simple, easy-to-implement processes. I have 15+ years of teaching and design experience that I use to teach website design and marketing strategy to budding entrepreneurs. 

My creation of Artsy Email Express was many years in the making. It is a combination of doodling, drawing and technology combined with attention-getting copy, and all of it comes from my heart’s intuition. I hope you’ll join me on this subscription journey and use my work as your creative inspiration!

My Email Templates + Smiles Guarantee :)

  • You don’t need to be an artist or a tech genius to use them

  • They will take you MAX 60 minutes to create all 4

  • They will be incredibly engaging (and addictive to create)

Cancel anytime, no hassle no problem. Reach out to [email protected] to the nicest most helpful customer support team on the Internet Marketing planet.

Still Not Sure? Get a Welcome Email Sequence For Free…On Us!

YES! Try before you buy. We think you will love it! À la the Costco sample.

Try before you buy. Right below we’re gifting you 4 emails, 1 set of hand drawn welcome images, 1 tutorial, and 1 recorded meditation so you can see exactly what you’re getting. If you’re ready to buy, no worries. This free gifted one delivers the MINUTE you sign up too!

Frequently Asked Questions

What tool are they built in?

The emails are created in the one, the only – GOOGLE DOCS. You can put them in Word or whatever the tool is Apple uses these days (I don’t even know). They will not break if you open them in other tools, though why the heck would ya want to? The images are either PNG or JPEG files, and some are SVG so the colors can be changed in Canva. (Don’t worry if you don’t know what SVG means, it will all be explained in the tutorial and I promise, it will be easy!)

How is this different from other email templates I have?

Most email templates are, well, boring and feel salesy.  And the ones that aren’t boring probably don’t feel authentic. They also probably don’t come with artsy or exceptionally cute graphics that are perfectly matched to the emails, seasons and/or holidays. And they DEFINITELY don’t come with a stress-reducing, creative-inspiring, heart-activating meditation.  This email subscription is built for the creative, heart-centered entrepreneur, so if that’s you, this is for you.

Can I use this with my team?

You betcha. But do not share the templates or graphics or try to resell them. Otherwise, the design of this is for you to use IN your business, teammates included.

I am a coach, consultant or course creator and want to use these in my programs. Can I?

Best option is to just become an affiliate and get all your students on board and earn recurring commission. If I get a lot of people interested in this, I could do a coach/consultant tier that gives you the ability to use it in your teachings with clients, but there’s nothing like that right now. Basically, email me your use case and we’ll take it case by case; [email protected]

Do I have to have special software to use this?

Nope! You will learn how to use the free version of Canva to customize your images if you’d like, but totally not necessary.

I suck at emails and I’m not creative.

Is that a question? I kid. That’s okay! In fact if you hate writing emails, this is the #1 reason you should join. Because I’ve done the work for you. And if you think you’re not creative, think again. You may surprise yourself without even trying.

It seems like your emails with graphics are solving LOTS of problems. Is this a marketing product?

This is all about the intersection of marketing, art and authentic connection, with a bit of meditation and holistic self-care thrown in. Most entrepreneurs  have forgotten how to have FUN in their business, and stress over how to market. Each month, we’ll ignite your creativity and help you remember why you decided to build a business in the first place. We want you to feel renewed and excited, even passionate about sending your emails. Gone are the days of stress and worry that you are losing connection with your subscribers!

You could keep groping in the dark
writing boring emails that are akin to spaghetti on a wall…

Or you can take the small but mighty step into the world of artsy emails, marketing, and authentic connection and get inspired to become best friends with your email list of subscribers.

And for those of you already deep in the world of consistent email marketing, this email template subscription will bring a healthy dose of unique creative artistic expression that you can add to your arsenal of email templates. 

I can't wait to help!

xx Donna

No Contracts

Pay Month to Month


4 Professionally Written & Fully Customizable Email Templates for Easy Weekly Audience Connection

1 Set of 8-10 Themed, Hand Drawn Artsy Images for Simply Unforgettable Emails

1 Short Video Tutorial for Motivation and Email-Creation Guidance

1 Bonus Meditation for Stress Reduction

and Intuitive Inspiration

Delivered to your inbox each month!

No Contracts

Save Big When You Pay For the Year!


4 Professionally Written & Fully Customizable Email Templates for Easy Weekly Audience Connection

1 Set of 8-10 Themed, Hand Drawn Artsy Images for Simply Unforgettable Emails

1 Short Video Tutorial for Motivation and Email-Creation Guidance

1 Bonus Meditation for Stress Reduction

and Intuitive Inspiration

Delivered to your inbox each month!

Copyright 2024 Donna Loeffler International LLC

All Rights Reserved | Privacy

We’re on a mission to build programs that teach small business owners how to use creativity + technology to grow their businesses.